Applied Computational Intelligence Group

The Applied Computational Intelligence Group within the Babeș-Bolyai University is lead by Prof. Horia Pop, Ph.D. The group's research interests focus on Intelligent Data Analysis Methods, Formal Concept Analysis, Bioinformatics, Computational Linguistics, Medical Data Mining, Search-based Software Engineering and using Machine Learning techniques in Software Engineering.

Dependable Systems Group

The Dependable Systems Group, within the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, is lead by Prof. Eng. Liviu Miclea, Ph.D. The group focuses on the analysis, design, implementation and testing of intelligent real-time control and monitoring systems using artificial intelligence techniques (intelligent agents, fuzzy logic, data mining, etc.).

The Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Group

The Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Group, lead by Prof. Eng. Sergiu Nedevschi, Ph.D., is part of the Computer Science Department at the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. Our main activities are research and teaching in the fields of image processing, pattern recognition, computer vision, hardware design for image acquisition and processing. We have reached state-of-the-art…


The Intelligent Systems Group

The Intelligent Systems Group within the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca is lead by Prof. Ioan Alfred Letia, Ph.D. The main areas of intrest are: norm compliance (verifying business processes against norm compliance and quality standards), support for dispute resolution for Small and Medium Enterprises in case of contract breach, semantic-based business process re-engineering, Decision Support…



The ECODAM Research Group, within the Alexandru-Ioan Cuza University of Iasi is lead by Prof. Henri Luchian, Ph.D. The group focuses on Optimization Problems, Evolutionary Computation and Data Mining.