Members make up the General Assembly, which holds voting rights over major decisions. Some Members are elected for the Board of Directors, handling day-to-day affairs of the Association. Some Members may also be elected for the Scientific Council, pursuing specific scientific objectives of the Association. All ARIA members, including Junior Members, can join Scientific Sections.

General Assembly

The General Assembly is the governing body composed of all ARIA members, convened at least once a year for handling voting for major issues, including:

  • Approving the strategy and general objectives of the Association.
  • Approving the annual budget.
  • Amending the statutes.
  • Electing members of the Management Board.
  • Deciding on dissolution and liquidation of the Association.

Board of Directors

The Board of Directors ensures the implementation of the decisions of the General Assembly, and handles any other affairs of the Association, including:

  • Elaborating and proposing development strategies of the Association to the General Assembly.
  • Approving members and junior members.
  • Managing the Patrimony of the Association for the benefit of its Members and for achieving the objectives of the Association.
  • Establishing and changing membership fees, adopting other internal regulations of the Association.
  • Deciding on changing the registered office / social headquarters of the Association.

The Board of Directors is comprised of 5 positions, including:

  • President -- the chair of the Board of Directors, conducting its work, who calls and presides over meetings.
  • Vice President -- supports the activities of the Board of Directors.

Scientific Council

The General Assembly may decide to set up a Scientific Council, comprised of 3 elected Members and the elected Presidents of the Scientific Sections of the Association (if any), with the purpose of pursuing specific scientific objectives of the Association.

A Scientific Section is an internal group of the Association, pursuing a specific discipline, and it’s established through the written consent of minimum 10 Members of the Association.