Speech and Dialogue (SpeeD) Laboratory is a teaching and research laboratory within University “Politehnica” of Bucharest. SpeeD Lab was founded in 1984 by Professor Corneliu Burileanu, who is also the leader of the laboratory ever since. SpeeD Lab’s staff is currently composed of 4 full-time academic members (2 full professors and 2 lecturers) and several PhD and master students.
SpeeD Laboratory is located in the Faculty of Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technology (ETTI), where it uses several multi-functional rooms (three research/meeting offices and two teaching/research laboratories). The teaching/research laboratories can accommodate more than 60 students and are equipped with PC workstations, several high-performance processing servers and graphical workstations, networking hardware, professional audio recording/playback devices, measurement and analysis equipments, general and proprietary hardware platforms, software development tools and dedicated software applications, multimedia facilities for teaching and presentations, etc.