ARIA Best Thesis Award - 2021 Edition

Eligible Candidates
The 2021 edition is open to all young researcher having defended their thesis in a Romanian doctoral school in 2018, 2019 and 2020 and whose thesis topic is related to one of the AI research fields.
Important Dates
1 May - 15 September, 2021: Applications Submission
16 September - 12 November, 2021: Applications Review
15 November 2021: Evaluation Meeting
19 November 2021: Winner Announcement
Application Content
Candidates applications must contain the following PDF files:
Candidate's CV
A scanned version of the doctor's degree (or of the defense report)
Thesis summary
Thesis manuscript
A recommendation from the doctoral supervisor or another professor with whom the candidate collaborated.
A file containing the following data: Date and place of the thesis, composition of the doctoral committee and the complete list of publication.
Application Submission
The candidate will merge the PDF files mentioned previously in the "Application Content Section", into a single PDF file, while respecting the indicated order of the content.
The obtained file will be uploaded to the EasyChair conference management platform by using this link. In addition to the PDF file, the title of the doctoral thesis and at least 4 keywords that characterize it, will be written on the platform.
This event is organized by ARIA
The Romanian Association for Artificial Intelligence (ARIA) is a non-profit organization, established in 2011, with the mission to support Romanian research and education in this field. ARIA has a strong national representation, bringing together academics, university professors and renowned researchers from Romania, PhD students, master students and students. ARIA is a member of the European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EURAI).